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2009年9月-2014年6月,山东大学 卫生政策与管理学博士学位

2004年9月-2009年6月,山东大学 预防医学学士学位



2023年3月-2023年6月, 访问学者,University of Toronto, Canada

2019年12月-2020年3月,访问学者,Macquarie Business School, Australia

2016年3月-2019年6月,Steinberg Global Health Postdoctoral Fellow, McGill University,Canada



1.太阳成集团tyc234cc青年拔尖人才支持计划项目:以人为本的高质量卫生健康体系治理、政策与管理研究,2019.08-2025.08, 主持。





6.全国哲学社会科学办公室:“互联网+”背景下基层医疗卫生服务能力建设与提升策略研究,2022.11-2025.12, 参与。


近五年来,以第一/通讯作者,在Primary Health Care Research & Development, Family Practice等基层卫生政策领域,Global Health Research and Policy,Global Health Action, Tropical Medicine & International Health等全球健康政策领域杂志发表论文20余篇。代表性论文:

1.Wang W, Li M, Loban K, et al. Electronic health record and primary care physician self-reported quality of care: a multilevel study in China, Global Health Action, 2024, 17:1.

2.Zhao R, Zhang J, Li M, Loban K, Nicholas S, Maitland E, Wang W. Primary care physicians' work conditions and their confidence in managing multimorbidity: a quantitative analysis using Job Demands–Resources Model. Family Practice, 2023, cmad099.

3.Wang, W, Zhang, J, Nicholas S, Yang H, Maitland E. The organization-level and individual-level predictors of nurse-reported quality of care in primary care: a multilevel study in China. Tropical Medicine & International Health. 2023; 28 (4): 308– 314.

4.Wang W, Zhang J, Loban K, et al. High performing primary health care organizations from patient perspective: A qualitative study in China. Global Health Research and Policy 8, 31 (2023).

5.Wang W, Zhang J, Lu J, et al. Patient views of the good doctor in primary care: A qualitative study in six provinces in China. Global Health Research and Policy 8, 24 (2023).

6.Xu T, Mitchell R, Wang W. Organizational factors associated with primary care nurses’ self-efficacy in pandemic response: a multilevel study in China. Family Practice, 2023, cmad083.

7.Wang W, Zhao R, Zhang J, et al. Public expectations of good primary health care in China: a national qualitative study. Family Practice, 2022, cmac149.

8.Zhang H, Wang W, Haggerty J, Schuster T. Predictors of patient satisfaction and outpatient health services in China: evidence from the WHO SAGE survey. Family Practice, 2020, cmaa011.

9.Wang W, Haggerty J. Development of Primary Care Assessment Tool in Tibet: Implication for Low-and-Middle Income Countries. Primary Health Care Research & Development. 2019. 20, E94.

10.Wang W, Shi L, Yin A, Mao Z, Maitland E, Nicholas S, Liu X. Contribution of primary care to health: an individual level analysis from Tibet, China. International Journal for Equity in Health. 2015, 14: 107.

a)Cited by World Health Organization. (‎2018)‎. Primary health care: closing the gap between public health and primary care through integration. World Health Organization. https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/326458. License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO

b)Cited by Inter-American Development Bank. (2018). From the Patient’s Perspective: Experiences with Primary Health Care in Latin America and the Caribbean. http://dx.doi.org/10.18235/0001255


先后获得加拿大麦吉尔大学Steinberg Global Health Postdoctoral Fellowship,加拿大国立卫生研究院(CIHR)Health System Impact Fellowship,2019年入选太阳成集团tyc234cc青年拔尖人才支持计划。


中国医院管理杂志青年编委,PLOS Global Public Health的academic editor,中国卫生经济学会理事;并担任综合型医学期刊The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific,JAMA Network Open,Plos Medicine, Frontiers of Medicine,卫生政策与管理期刊Health Policy and Planning, Journal of Health Organization and Management, International Journal for Equity in Health, International Journal for Quality in Health Care, European Journal of General Practice, Family Practice, Global Health Research and Policy, 公共管理期刊International Public Management Journal等的审稿人。

电子邮箱:wenhua.wang@mail.mcgill.ca, 0002019127@xjtu.edu.cn